View from the top of Cypress Hills during last weekend’s Hidden Oasis Ultra. Fun, smallish (by ultra standards) local race with around a hundred runners on all sorts of trails and paths through some beautiful scenery. The race was officially 53km, though it ended up being 55km for me since I managed to take a wrong turn somehow and ended up an additional mountain!


The final draft of my King in Yellow/cosmic pulp horror novel titled A Queen in Amber is complete. Letting it rest for now.

Started on the sequel titled A Priest in Rags as well as working on some new short stories.

Next publications:

  • A short story titled ‘The Loveseat’ coming out in the Summer in the Necronomi-RomCom Dark anthology.
  • A short story titled ‘Eden’ coming out in the Fall in the Prairie Devil anthology.


As described above, ran the Hidden Oasis Ultra race in Cypress Hills on June 8th. Next up is Devil’s Ladder Ultra in Cumberland, British Columbia in July.


New hardwood in the living room looks and feels amazing. Good to have all the brown shag out of here. Next up, painting! The garden is all in and growing like crazy. I’ll get some pictures for my next update.

Work is still over the top never ending busy…

What I’m Watching – TV

Star Trek Discovery (Season 5) – Just need to watch the final episode when I get the chance.

Letterkenny (Season 6 rewatch) – endlessly entertaining.

What I’m Watching – Movies

Synchronic – Not as solid as the other Benson and Moorhead movies I’ve watched and thoroughly enjoyed (Resolution, Spring, The Endless). Mostly decent, even with the gaping plot holes. I’d give it a one thumbs up.

Stop Motion – Okay, this was rather terrifying. A bit more body horror than I wanted and damn creepy. Honestly not sure what to think of it.

What I’m Reading

What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier, #2) by T. Kingfisher. Just started, but a nice continuation of the story and characters.

Elric of Melnibone (The Elric Saga, Vol. 1) by Michael Moorcock. Listening to the audio book, which is well done. Love any and all Elric!

The Atrocity Engine by Tim Waggoneer (finished) – A fun pulpy romp, I’ll definitely be reading the sequels.

John the Balladeer by Manly Wade Wellman (finished) – A classic!

What I’m Listening To

The Crafwork Podcast (Mike Thorn and Miriam Richer)

Jed Whedon and The Willing – History of Forgotten Things

Bauhaus – The Bela Session

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